I admit, I was a doubter. The thought of arriving at a party with 6 articles of clothing, each of a different solid color from a rubix cube, and leaving with 6 different articles of clothing, all of one rubix hue, did not thrill me. This event was going to involve both

loss and acceptance. The hosts helpfully suggested a trip to a local thrift store where each disposable article could be acquired for "the low low price of $1"....but I was hesitant yet. Needless to say, I have surprisingly become a joiner over these last few years in SD, on a sunny carefree Friday I found myself at Amvets thrift store with my fashion consultant, Jason. As we tore through the place grabbing orange knit hats, royal blue mittens and shiny red tube tops, I could feel the first glimmerings of excitement. This may actually be fun. Then I spotted THE item. A 6 foot long bright green stuffed alligator on the top shelf of the kids aisle. Jason spotted it too. He joyfully snatched it off the shelf, threw it stylishly around his

hulking shoulders and exclaimed "this is perfect! just fasten it like this and call it a stole!". He had already picked out a fluffy white kitty as his accessory so that gator was mine.
The following day, after roaming the city with a hunky bridge builder, a brief encounter with a 7 lb bag of indian mackerel at Ranch 99 (see next entry) and making the discovery that my rock-star lifestyle was resulting in voice loss, I arrived at Jason's to get our rubix gear on. We were giddy and only slightly deterred by the discovery that the kitty had a space for 3 C batteries but we had none and would not be able to find out what sorts of feline ways that pussy was capable of (3 C

batteries? that is a lot of power for such a small pussy). I digress. We made our grand entrance just in time to be fashionably late, jason's one party attendance criterion. Every guest was donned in the 6 rubix colors. It was quite an amazing sight. A few people shrewdly eyed my gator and one even approached trying to barter a trade before the bell sounded. He actually did end up getting it from me eventually. I decided to go team yellow and he had a scrunci I needed that ended up being much more comfortable than a 10 lb gator around your neck. That thing was tough to dance in, but there cannot be enough said about wearing items that make people want to touch you when they pass....
Ok enough chat, here are the highlights.
again...it just ain't a party without a fog machine and an ice luge. Maybe I am getting too old for this (in hindsight and after looking at the video below...wow, debauchery).
Even with all the excitement, there are always some people who are just too cool for school:
And the winners by color....Jason, Levi, Hank, Steph, Holly and Cove.
and for a more scientific analysis of the above event, please read the work of my colleague, Hank at http://bucket-o-hank.blogspot.com/2008/03
"Hulking shoulders"? Damn, you were drunk.
Oh. Jesus.
Lovely photo essay there, Laura. It's Monday night and I'm just now starting to feel human again.
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