Sunday, October 28, 2007

All Hallow's eve

We found ourselves once again at Hank and Em's OB Funplex. This year they went all out with a professional DJ and fire twirlers...because, really, what is a party without fire twirlers, especially when the party is held during FIRESTORM 2007?

Here are some highlights but more pics are at

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SD is burning

Here are some more pics. The eerie sun at 5pm filtered through the smoke.

The dogs are seriously going crazy having us both home at once and not being able to play for long outside due to the air quality.

Leslie has packed up all her valuables, 30 gallons of water and the largest collection of Luna bars, nuts and dried fruit I have seen and has them ready at the front door in case we get that reverse 911 call telling us we have 20 minutes to evacuate.

I watched her from the couch, drinking a beer....

......should I be doing something?

The outline of the fire closest to us as of 5:30am is below. We are on the intersection of Home and Market just west of the fire.

Thursday, October 18, 2007


...someone put me out of my misery and give me a beer!


Friday, October 5, 2007

Final days in Portugal

My last days in Portugal were marked by the largest tosta mista I had ever encountered (well actully tosta con frango y....umm, however you say garlic) at Praia Faro and a goodbye dinner at Xana's house in Gambelas. Goncalo tortured us wth his weird hungarian apple liquor. Sorry to all my Portuguese friends but the camera came out only at the end so I didn't get most of you! But Thank god I managed to catch Filipe with his jello (a dish that showed up to every house party I attended in faro). Thanks guys for such a great send off!

En route to San Diego I stopped by to see the fam in Westport. The weekend began in true Carney fashion with egg sandwiches for everyone. We fit in a few tennis games where off season sprinklers interrupted our grueling match of canadian doubles. Carney the younger was slamming us with her net shots the whole time, she was "fabulous".