My 34th birthday weekend commenced with an impromptu viewing of Don Quichote (french responsible for weird spelling) at the opera downtown with Jane, my lovely date. During the first act, and to the incessant crinkle of lozenge wrappers being furiously opened by the octogenarian in the seat next to me, I decided that opera is just not for me. This was my third opera (as long as we are not counting Phantom...did I hear a groan?) and although it was a decent show, I could not stifle my yawning once the music started. It must be a physiological reaction to long drawn out singing in a romance language. I have to say though that the scenery was amazing (especially the windmill/giants in Act II) and you can never beat the people watching at an opera. Another highlight was Jane informing me in response to the TB-like cough next to me, that sputum cultures are absolutely inappropriate to perform unless there has been exposure to some serious disease. A cough alone just simply does not justify it. Good to know.

Saturday we started the day off by taking Bill to a local Vizsla club where he could socialize with other vizslas and run around on the beach. It was really funny to see 5 identical pups rolling around with each other. And also interesting to see a bunch of adults and talk to their owners. Bill was absolutely knocked out tired afterwards and passed out in his kennel for about 3 hours.
That night we celebrated early with Jake and Jen in LA and some more local folks. We got to hang out with the Bliss baby and I held her for at least 20 minutes without making her cry, quite a feat! Nina made me the most fabulous chocolate raspberry cake, which sage thoroughly kept enjoying through the early morning hours! The night was fantastic...but way too short to catch up with people. It deserves a repeat quite soon!

Sunday we had an exciting day planned. We started with Puppy school where Bill could do some organized play with some other pups and we could learn some basic obedience. Aside from trying to poop twice in the play room, he did great and was the most calm pup there. All the others were barking at each other to play the whole time and Bill just sat calmly at our feet surveying the scene. Apparently he is very calm for his breed, which we are happy about. Barking has got to be my least favorite thing about dogs. He seemed to be a quick learner and can do sit and stand with treats but stand is totally lost on him. He just loses complete interest in the treat when we try that one. But we are going to keep at it and hopefully he will learn more over the next 6 weeks.
After school we took him to dog beach to tire him out before my bday BBQ later that night. He wasn't the only one who got tuckered out though. When everyone was awake we had a few people over for a chicken dinner. Festivities were over by 6:30pm, the perfect time to start relaxing for the end of a Sunday. We needed it! Next weekend we may tackle our taxes.

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